Category Archives: The design works of Derek Bourgeois



A storyboard for a national commercial. Everything was modeled in 3D. I’ve probably done 300 storyboards in my career!





This is a standard storyboard for a commercial spot. The smart TV was a promotion from a furniture retailer and had to satisfy the original vendor as well as the store.

The room was entirely virtual.


Illustrations for Video


These are layered Photoshop illustrations for use in instructional videos. It used to illustrate a series of stories designed to educate parents on behavioral difficulties of children. This was one of four I did.


KO Group Website

The website design for – a video production company.

KO Website


KO Photography Logo Design

There are subtle differences between the black version and the white version. I needed to be sure the gray details read properly in both instances.

KOPhotography Logosample

Movie Poster

“Something Russian”

A movie poster/promotional image for a short film.

Something Russian

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Whiteboard animation

A portion of a whiteboard animation prepared as a sample for a client. Spec work basically…

Carbon + Algae

C-A-R-S Carbon Algae Recycling System
This is an animation I created for a client of a proposed system to capture carbon emissions, grow algae for capture, and process it into commercial products.

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